IV Sets
Non-Vented Dispensing Pin, SAFSITE Valve, Automatic 2-Way Valve For Aspiration or Injection of Medication From Inverted Bags or Semi-Rigid Plastic Containers, 50/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Non-Vented Dispensing Pin, SAFSITE Valve, Luer Slip Connector, Automatic 2-Way Valve For Aspiration or Injection of Medication From Inverted Bags or Semi-Rigid Plastic Containers, DEHP & Latex Free (LF), 50/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Non-Vented MINI-SPIKE® Dispensing Pin For Withdrawal or Injection of Medication From Multi-Dose Rubber-Stopper Vials, Luer Lock Connector, DEHP & Latex Free (LF), 100/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Tevadaptor Syringe Adaptor For Luer Lock Syringes, DEHP & Latex Free (LF), 50/bx, 6 bx/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Tevadaptor Vial Adaptor For Closed Reconstitution & Withdrawal of Medications, 50/bx, 4 bx/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Tevadaptor Vial Adaptor For 28mm Vials, DEHP & Latex Free, 20/bx, 4 bx/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Tevadaptor Connecting Set, Secondary Tubing Set For Closed Drug Preparation & Administration of IV Medications, DEHP & Latex Free (LF), 19"L, 100/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Tevadaptor Connecting Set, ULTRASITE Needle-Free Valve, Secondary Tubing Set, For Closed Drug Preparation & Administration of IV Medication, Latex Free (LF), 19"L, 100/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Tevadaptor Spike Port Adaptor Set, ULTRASITE Needle-Free Valve, Adapts a Dedicated IV Pump Tubing Set, Latex Free (LF), 13"L, 100/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Pump Blood Admin Set, Y-Type, Non-Vented Spikes, Two Roller Clamps, Drip Chamber, 170 micron blood filter, Free-Flow Protector Clip, Roller Clamp, Injection Site 6" Above Distal End, SPIN-LOCK Connector, Latex Free (LF), 46mL Priming Volume, 131"L, 10 Drops/mL, 24/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Pump Universal Spike Nitroglycerin Set, Universal Spike, Free-Flow Protector Clip, Roller Clamp, SPIN-LOCK Connector, Latex Free (LF), 27mL Priming Volume, 135"L, 60 Drops/mL, 24/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Pump Primary Admin Set, Universal Spike, Green/ Yellow Striped Tubing, Free-Flow Protector Clip, Slide Clamp, SPIN-LOCK Connector, Latex Free (LF), 14mL Priming Volume, 126"L, 60 Drops/mL, 126"L, 24/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Pump Set, Y-Type Blood Set, Non-Vented Spikes, Two Roller Clamps, Drip Chamber with 170 micron Blood Filter, Free-Flow Protector Clip, Roller Clamp, CARESITE Injection Site 6" above Distal End, SPIN-LOCK Connector, Latex Free (LF), 46 mL Priming Volume, 130"L, 10 Drops/mL, 24/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Pump Set, 0.2 Micron Filtered IV, 2 CARESITE Y-Sites, Latex Free (LF), 15 Drops/mL, 24/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Pump Set, (3) CARESITE Needle-Free Injection Sites, Latex Free (LF), 15 Drops/mL, 24/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Pump Set, Universal Spike, Slide Clamp, Pressure Limited Check Valve, CARESITE Injection Sites 103" and 6" above Distal End, Free-Flow Protector Clip, Roller Clamp, Slide Clamp, SPIN-LOCK Connector, Latex Free (LF), 27 mL Priming Volume, 129"L, 15 Drops/mL, 24/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Pump Set, Universal Spike, Slide Clamp, Backcheck Valve, Pressure Limited Check Valve, SAFELINE Split Septum Injection Sites 108", 68" & 6" Above Distal End, Free-Flow Protector Clip, Roller Clamp, SPIN-LOCK Connector, Latex Free (LF), 28mL Priming Volume, 122"L, 15 drops/mL, 24/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Add-On Set, Female Luer Lock Connector, Free Flow Protector Clip, Roller Clamp, Injection Site 6" Above Distal End, SPIN-LOCK Connector, Latex Free (LF), 18mL Priming Volume, 90"L, 24/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Admin Set, Universal Spike, Free Flow Protector Clip, Roller Clamp, Injection Site 6" Above Distal End, SPIN-LOCK Connector, 15 Drops/mL, Latex Free (LF), 30mL Priming Volume, 132"L, 24/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Admin Set, Universal Spike, Slide Clamp, Pressure Limited Check Valve, Free Flow Protector Clip, Roller Clamp, Injection Sites 105", 68" & 6" Above Distal End, SPIN-LOCK Connector, 15 Drops/mL, Latex Free (LF), 28mL Priming Volume, 132"L, 24/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Pump Set, Female Luer Lock Connector, Free-Flow Protector Clip, ULTRASITE Injection Site 6" Above Distal End, Slide Clamp, SPIN-LOCK Connector, Latex Free (LF), 9mL Priming Volume, 88"L, 24/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Pump Set, Universal Spike, Slide Clamp, Pressure Limited Check Valve, Roller Clamp, Free-Flow Protector Clip, Backcheck Valve, ULTRASITE Injection Sites 94", 43" & 6" Above Distal End, SPIN-LOCK Connector, 15 Drops/mL, Latex Free (LF), 25mL Priming Volume, 124"L, 24/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Pump Set, Universal Spike, Free-Flow Protector Clip, Roller Clamp, 0.2 Micron Filter, Slide Clamp, Injection Site 6" Above Distal End, SPIN-LOCK Connector, Latex Free (LF), 24.5 mL Priming Volume, 115"L, 15 Drops/mL, 24/cs (Continental US+HI Only)
Pump Set, Universal Spike, Slide Clamp, 2 Injection Sites, Free-Flow Protector Clip, Roller Clamp, 1.2 Micron Filter, Slide Clamp, SPIN-LOCK Connector, Latex Free (LF), 22.9 mL Priming Volume, 113"L, 15 Drops/mL, 24/cs (Continental US+HI Only)